•    2024 - 2025 Richland Athletic Forms

    link to athletic trainers website


    All athletes must have a current physical and medical history form filled out each year prior to athletic participation.  Please click on the link above to obtain a physical and medical history form.  You will need to print this page out and go to a doctor for your physical evaluation.  Please make sure all the forms have been filled out properly.  If you must have an inhaler, please make sure you have the inhaler form and signature completed. 


    Online participation forms -
     All athletes must also have all online participation forms completed prior to athletic participation.  Please click on the link below to go to the online participation forms page.  Make sure to fill out all forms completely.  Players and parents must sign and check boxes for each form; 5 total. 
    Acknowledgment of Rules
    Concussion Acknowledgment Form
    Parent/Student Steroid Agreement Form
    Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
    Emergency Release Form
    *Emergency Release Form can not have any blanks so please put none or n/a if you do not know or have that information.  Your form submission will be denied if there are any blanks and you will have to redo the entire form.   
     Please Click on the link below for the Emergency Release Form
    If you have any questions please email Coach Snow or Coach Lester. 
    You can also contact one of our trainers,