• Student devices

    Reporting Lost or Stolen Devices



    If a student loses a district issued device, it must be reported immediately to a campus administrator. The district will track how many devices a student has been issued and if it is determined that the student has not had a prior issue with stolen or damaged devices, a replacement will be issued by the campus.  

    If the student has a record of damaged or lost devices due to negligence, a fee may be required to issue a replacement. 

    Fees & Payment 

    If any fees or payments are involved with a lost or stolen device, the campus will arrange for repair and replacement collections. 

    To purchase insurance, or for a replacement, please visit RekTrak:

    For more information, please refer to the Student Handbook: Student Services / Handbooks (birdvilleschools.net)

    Stolen Devices

    Stolen devices must be reported immediately to local law enforcement and a police report number should be obtained. The incident should be reported to the campus along with a police report number for the district to disable the device and clear the student of responsibility. 

    Replacement for theft of the device will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and will be at the discretion of the campus principal and/or district administration.