Courses Requests for Junior Year
Tips for Successful Course Selections:
*Be Prepared!! Look over the course selection sheet before you meet with your counselor. (link below)
*Do you need on-level, honors/dual credit, or Advanced Placement core classes?
Advanced Placement (AP)
Dual Credit
College level classes
College level classes
Take an AP Exam - 3 or better to receive college credit
Pass the course and receive college credit
Small cost to take the AP exam
TCC free tuition/$ books
TWU $ tuition / $ books
No readiness test needed to take an AP course
Need to be college ready - take the Texas Success Initiative or TSI test
Undecided on which core classes are best for you? Talk to your teachers.
They can provide a wealth of information to help you make the best decision!
*Discuss course options with your parents.
*Take some Career Assessments - Can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the word or work.
Counselors will be outside classrooms working with students individually on the following days
to pick classes for the next school year:
November 11th & 12th
November 13th & 14th
November 15th & 18th
November 19th & 20th
November 21st & 22nd
Helpful Documents:
Sophomore Presentation - PDF